I started decorating for Christmas in the dining room. The main entrance from outside is that room and it’s the first place people see. (If you’re not a good friend or family, you’ll never even know there’s a room with no walls.)
But instead of looking festive, it looks like we’re ready for a dance party.

Good thing those lights don’t flash or we’d have people dropping like flies with epileptic seizures. Who knows… maybe it would cause the same reaction in dogs. Or worse!

What about decorating upstairs and outside?
Upstairs needs trim and door knobs before worrying about Christmas décor, but I think I’ll do a few lights outside. Maybe I’ll even hang something off the back deck that can be seen from US 31. There’s a grapevine hanging from a tree near the edge of the yard, and if I get really ambitious I’ll pull it down and make a wreath to light up.
If the Pesky’s decorate like last year, I’ll have to get motivated. Can’t let their place be lit more than mine. Over the years I’ve collected boxes and boxes of Christmas stuff that I can’t stand to part with but it’s so trashy I can’t display it either. (You too?) But hey… if there’s a competition, who knows what I’ll roll with. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): The Wright Brothers were perpetual bachelors. Orville Wright disowned sister Katherine after she married and had a family of her own, feeling he had been “betrayed”.