If mattresses weren’t so heavy, my bedroom would be upstairs by tonight. When the view is the same when you go to bed as it is when you wake up, it’s a sure sign you have dogs.

There’s a full-sized bed in one of the upstairs bedrooms and since I’ve gotten no more than 5-hours sleep a night since I’ve been here, I’m still tempted to move up there even if I can’t switch out the beds. Or the dressers. Dharma wouldn’t tackle those stairs even for food and there’s a gate preventing Merida’s access.
My dogs get me up so they can sleep.
Seriously. They get me up by grunting and jumping on the bed. Once I’m up and have a cup of coffee in hand, they snuggle on the couch and catch an hour or more of zzzz’s. They even snore just to piss me off.

Today’s agenda includes…
I have no idea what today’s agenda will include! It’s really hard to get motivated when you’re tired. I have a pretty big list of things I’d love to accomplish and it is supposed to be much warmer today with sunshine. Maybe I’ll stain trim in the garage — or paint one of the upstairs bathrooms. Or… maybe not. Maybe I’ll get my “real job” work done and take a nap instead. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): Over 50 percent of the world’s population relies on rice for 80 percent of it’s food requirements.