phone carrier woes

Nov 25, 2022

Thanksgiving may be over but I’m still thankful… about almost everything except my mobile phone coverage. AT&T is NOT barndo friendly. At least not in the Ville — that’s for sure. I miss calls frequently and drop those I actually receive.

Text messages aren’t any better.

Katie sent a text asking if I was home and I received it around 12-hours later. I think I only got it then because she sent another text and they came through together. I think I’ll try T-Mobile and see what happens. Katie has Straight Talk and she doesn’t have bars when she’s here either.

We only dance at night.

I shared a photo of the Christmas tree at night and invited you to the dance party — light reflections everywhere. During the daylight, it looks pretty normal. LED lights are bright, you guys.

Christmas tree during the day

It’s starting to look a little like Christmas outside around here too…

small Christmas tree outside

I only hope Santa doesn’t need to call or text me before Christmas. 😉

Or at least I hope he gives me time to switch carriers. I feel isolated without a phone that works like it’s supposed to. For the record, turning on wifi calling doesn’t help one little bit even though I have blazing fast internet connectivity.

TIL (Today I Learned): The term “Gaslighting” actually came from a movie of the same name where the husband tricks the wife into thinking she’s mentally unwell so he can steal from her.