I have sooo many friend requests on Facebook one might think I’m a popular gal. But that’s not really it — and I’m going to share a tip that you likely already know…
Those people just want more “friends” to hustle.
When you get a friend request from someone you don’t really know — even if you have other friends in common — simply take a peek at their profile. Chances are they are constantly posting about makeup, diet aids, gummies, skinny coffee, or gut cure. Their hope is you’ll see their amazing multi-level marketing product and buy… or you’ll have a friend they can add and they will buy.
Real friends — or family in this case — feed you and don’t want to sell you anything.

TIL (Today I Learned): Taking photos instead of actually viewing the scene causes your brain to outsource the memory; this causes you to not retain the information as detailed as you normally would. This is called the photo-taking impairment effect.