In the slow burn of what I want to do to this place, reworking the stairway has always been a medium priority. Widening and making them less steep is a project that falls in right behind walls in the large room being used for an office and concrete in the 2400 square foot garage portion.
The stairway project just got an upward bump.
Perry fell up the stairs yesterday and today he’s walking with a noticeable limp. Navigating the killer stairs with only a phone’s trusty flashlight could place the blame on his shoulders… but in reality… those stairs are deadly.

I refuse to carry anything bulky up there — I’ll do clothes and that’s about it. Even then, I think about “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up,” and I always use the handrail. The steps need to be deeper because humans have feet and not stubs, wider because it’s not a tunnel, and less steep because it’s not a ladder. It’s a stairway for crying out loud!
The hounds are forbidden access.
Dharma wouldn’t climb up or down those things if her life depended on it — and Merida would be running up and down them at break neck speed if they weren’t blocked off with a doggie gate. There’s nothing up there for them anyway. Access to the backyard is downstairs.

TIL (Today I Learned): Before it was “Donner and Blitzen,” it was “Donder and Blitzen,” and before that it was “Dunder and Blixem,” which is colloquial New York Dutch meaning “Thunder and Lightning.”