Insofar as any home improvement project I’ve tackled in the past I have been “all in.” Sticking with my new rule of not caring so much, I opted to simply hang a few pictures on the walls and put up a window covering in one of the upstairs bedrooms.

I didn’t even paint!
The color is ok. At least I don’t hate it and it’s just fine for a spare bedroom that I look at about once a week when I dust.
The “old Shelley” would’ve done away with the double bed and put in a queen instead. The only reason I have the smaller bed is because I loved the antique bed frame left by Teddy Bear and got the mattress to fit it. Then, I found it was held together by silicone and that was the end of that. 🙂
TIL (Today I Learned): Concrete is the second-most consumed substance on Earth. (Water is in 1st place.) Thirty-three billion tons of it are used each year making it by far the most abundant human-made material in history.