weather experts score 100%… A+

Dec 22, 2022

Everything predicted so far regarding the winter storm has become reality. It’s dropped 40° and the wind is howling. Seriously… HOWLING, you guys. Currently, it’s FOUR DEGREES and snowing.

My weather app says the wind is holding steady around 28mph with gusts reaching 46mph. At almost midnight, my app also says the snow will be stopping soon.

wind and snow in Crothersville

And then it’s going to drop to -4° with wind chills in the negative 30’s or so. 🥶

Hard to believe it’s 75° in the office right now even though I’m opening the door every 30 minutes to let a certain girl outside.

Dharma loves snow.

Dharma LOVES snow!

TIL (Today I Learned): Astronauts eat steak and eggs before a flight because it’s filling and low on dietary fiber so they won’t have to poop during the mission.