2 distinct ways to salvage a bad morning

Jan 24, 2023

My morning started at 6:15 AM after a bedtime of 2:35 AM. Bad enough standing on its own, the reason I was moving so early this morning is because my alarm was a retching dog. I love Dharma, but her habit of eating turdscicles is one I’ve tried to break for going on 8 years now.

Your day had to start out better than that! Didn’t it?

The day is still worth salvaging… I think. I did two distinct things to get my day turned around.

ONE: I stepped back a few moments to enjoy my surroundings and took a photo of the sunrise while preparing an amazing cup of coffee with a shot of espresso.

sunrise at barndo creek

TWO: I treated myself for being alive this morning no matter the circumstances.

nutella biscuits

Perry rolled in with two bags of these new and amazing taste creations. If you haven’t tried them yet… do it now. Ohmygosh!

BONUS: The blizzardish forecast has been downgraded to just crappy weather for the Ville. Some snow… some wind… but we’re not to have a repeat of 1978.

And just like that… today is looking up!

I still have plenty of Nutella biscuits for anything the universe hits me with today — and no matter how bad it gets, at least I’m not a bear…

TIL (Today I Learned): When bears hibernate, they “hold it in” for almost half a year. This is due to a fecal plug that forms in their lower intestine that prevents them from pooping while hibernating.