what time is last call?

Jan 27, 2023

Merida decided it was time to get up this morning BEFORE 5:00 AM. That means I was Googling, “how to stop dogs from waking up earlyBEFORE 5:00 AM. 🙄

Experts agree… make “last call” feeding later in the day.

Of course, that’s just one of many suggestions — and most of the others we do already. Like letting the hounds out right before sleep and keeping the room dark. The one thing that’s certainly made it worse is a change in schedule.

Perry’s vacation last week just about done us all in. Add to that… this week has been nothing but late nights for him as his crew works to get their last vacation days used up before the year’s 1/31 cutoff. We’re all on the sleep struggle bus around here…

sleepy Merida

My Oura ring thinks my “last call” feeding should be early.

Your resting heart rate lowered late last night. Could it be that you ate too close to bedtime?Yes. Yes, I did.Your heart rate during sleep is your heart’s personal signature. A lower resting heart rate (RHR) is a sign of quality recovery and health.

It’s also a sign you don’t have two freaking dogs running your household.

So dogs need dinner late so they sleep peacefully with a full belly – and humans need to eat dinner early so their food is digested before falling asleep. Got it! We’ll give this a whirl. The schedule thing isn’t going to happen — at least not in the near future. Coco will be here this weekend and that alone keeps Merida in a constant state of excitement. Oh well… 😏

coffee brewed

TIL (Today I Learned): Women die 17% more often in car crashes then men. In a frontal car crash with both sexes buckled in, their injury rate is also 73% higher.