first time for gas station pizza

Feb 10, 2023

Our local Marathon gas station serves Hunt Brothers pizzas. I’d never had a gas station pizza before Katie suggested it last night. Enough left for Perry after Katie and I had it for dinner, he ate the rest… and purchased gas station pizza again tonight.

For a little guy, he can EAT!

$20 bucks for 2 meat lover pizzas is cheap unless you consider the little dude ate one all by himself. 😯 Limited food choices is one downside of rural living. We have very few choices of restaurants — fast food or otherwise.

Still, the sky is pretty even when it’s not a spectacular night here and that makes up for it.

Indiana winter sky

TIL (Today I Learned): In 1941, USS New York opened fire on an object, believing it to be a japanese aircraft. Fire commenced until a navigator realized they were shooting at Venus.