yet another “alert day” – in more ways than one

Feb 22, 2023

Wind advisory and almost 75°F in mid-February here at the barndo. Why is it that every single time we have a warmer day or two the wind howls? Rain incoming later this afternoon but tomorrow, we’re supposed to enjoy a record high. Warmer (as in almost 80°F!) and sunny — and of course, WINDY.

The wind alert warns those in this area that stuff is going to blow away, people will have trouble keeping their vehicles on the road, and there’s a chance we’ll all be sitting in the dark this evening.

Just your basic “alert day” except for the fact that today is also “hot tub alert” day…

By this evening, the water will be 103°F and we could be relaxing with a cold beverage looking at this view…

Instead, we’ll likely be inside in the dark because of 100mph winds, while thinking about all the stuff we forgot to tie down. 🙄

TIL (Today I Learned): The average life span of a pet cat has risen from seven years in the early 1980s to fifteen years as of 2021.