Monday should not be a day of work if you ask me. Studies show that Tuesdays are the most productive so why not just cross off Monday every single week? I’m all for the TWT culture (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday) — so let’s cross of Friday too.
It could be worse — some countries only consider one day a week as a ‘weekend,’ while others work every day. Thanks to Henry Ford, who standardized the 5-day workweek without reducing pay in the mid 1920’s, the US has steadily been reducing the hours worked per week. Except if you work at Walmart. 😏
Less is more!
Per Wikipedia, the New Economics Foundation (a British think-tank) has recommended moving to a 21-hour standard workweek to combat a ton of negative things… like climate change and unemployment. Less work and more play sounds pretty amazing, doesn’t it?
Weekends should be relaxing — and sometimes they are…

But much of the time, weekends are for catching up work required to simply run a household. For example, I had a wonderful weekend spent with my granddaughter and son (when he wasn’t working). But that also means cooking more, more laundry, etc.
Thinking about sitting for hours in front of a computer and on the phone tomorrow doesn’t make me happy — what I would like to do instead is have a quiet day to get everything back in order.
If you’ve got any pull with Mr. Biden, please push for a 3-day workweek.
I hear he’ll fall for about anything — and probably won’t even remember what he agreed to. Thanks in advance. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): The International Labor Organization (ILO) currently defines a workweek exceeding 48 hours as excessive.