When Ben was a little feller he did countdowns by ‘sleeps.’ “How many more sleeps until we do this or that?” It’s an easy way to count how far in advance something is going to happen.
Soooo… how many more sleeps until we have fresh tomatoes?
Mr. Pesky has already tilled the garden — the momentous act accomplished just a couple days ago. I heard him talking about green onions and that’s great! But what I REALLY care about is how long until we have big, fresh, juicy, red tomatoes?
Still early March, counting sleeps would be too depressing since I’m pretty sure they won’t even be planted here until late May. While my Easter lilies are popping up, the only other green plants to be found are inside.

Pests — not to be confused with Pesky.
I’ve eliminated my ant problem. A little sweet orange oil on a make-up pad works wonders. I just skim the underside of the countertops and drop the pad under the sink about every other week or so (whenever I think about it) and I’ve not seen one ant since. Now if I can only get rid of these darned stink bugs.
They aren’t awful yet — just a few here and there — but by summer they’ll be a huge nuisance. I suck those bad boys up in a hand held sweeper (that then blows their stench into the room) but haven’t tried a stink bug trap — a pan of soapy water under a light source. We’ll test that out once we have red tomatoes. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): People with blue eyes have a higher rate of alcoholism than people with dark eyes.