patience is a virtue – just ask the pesky neighbors

Mar 8, 2023

My favorite pesky neighbors ordered a new Maverick truck over a year and a half ago. Yes, over EIGHTEEN MONTHS have passed since they ordered their new truck!

Today, they finally drove it home.

Mom doesn’t drive anymore but she still controls EVERYTHING except the steering wheel, gas, and brakes — and sometimes the gear shift. She can tell you every single accessory available for the new truck. She’s had a year and a half to research, after all. PLUS, she’s purchased at least 98% of the addons already.

Happy new hybrid truck day, Pesky Neighbors!

I’m especially thrilled for the controlling one that taught me everything I know. 😉

My momma.

TIL (Today I Learned): Dr. Sigmund Freud was addicted to smoking and failed to quit for good throughout a 45 years long battle that included 33 operations for cancer of the jaw, an artificial jaw replacement, and attacks of “tobacco angina” exacerbated by nicotine . He was known to smoke up to twenty cigars a day.