Yesterday was cold. Not bitter below zero cold… but the windy low 40’s kind with snow predicted this weekend. Definitely cold enough to require heat.
Boilers won’t heat without fire.
I noticed it was a little chillier than normal in the house but when I went to wash dishes, that’s when I knew we had a problem. No hot water meant we likely didn’t have a fire in the outdoor boiler, and would also be the reason the house was cooler than normal. ARG! I trudged outside. (In shorts and a winter coat.)

The boiler should be around 180° — give or take a few degrees. I sent a few angry texts to Perry at work who said I should call Mr. Pesky. I figured I was capable of starting a fire and stomped back to the outside furnace. It was full of wood but there wasn’t even a spark. Someone got in a hurry and either didn’t stir the coals or wait around to make sure the added wood caught fire.
I did it!
Water warming up (but not hot enough to shower so I didn’t smell like wood smoke for hours), Ben arrived.
I told him what happened and said, “A country girl can survive!” I even offered a little flex for emphasis. He rolled his eyes. Whatever… I didn’t see HIM out there. 🙂
The good news is… spring is so very close!
Not only does the time change this weekend, but all things that grow outside are blooming. Yay!

TIL (Today I Learned): In 1952, Jimmy Carter led a team of nuclear scientists in disassembling a Canadian nuclear reactor undergoing meltdown. To accomplish this, Carter, alongside other American military personnel, personally lowered himself into the reactor to disassemble it by hand.