and then he rolled his eyes at me

Mar 11, 2023

Yesterday was cold. Not bitter below zero cold… but the windy low 40’s kind with snow predicted this weekend. Definitely cold enough to require heat.

Boilers won’t heat without fire.

I noticed it was a little chillier than normal in the house but when I went to wash dishes, that’s when I knew we had a problem. No hot water meant we likely didn’t have a fire in the outdoor boiler, and would also be the reason the house was cooler than normal. ARG! I trudged outside. (In shorts and a winter coat.)

The boiler should be around 180° — give or take a few degrees. I sent a few angry texts to Perry at work who said I should call Mr. Pesky. I figured I was capable of starting a fire and stomped back to the outside furnace. It was full of wood but there wasn’t even a spark. Someone got in a hurry and either didn’t stir the coals or wait around to make sure the added wood caught fire.

I did it!

Water warming up (but not hot enough to shower so I didn’t smell like wood smoke for hours), Ben arrived.

I told him what happened and said, “A country girl can survive!” I even offered a little flex for emphasis. He rolled his eyes. Whatever… I didn’t see HIM out there. 🙂

The good news is… spring is so very close!

Not only does the time change this weekend, but all things that grow outside are blooming. Yay!

blooms in spring

TIL (Today I Learned): In 1952, Jimmy Carter led a team of nuclear scientists in disassembling a Canadian nuclear reactor undergoing meltdown. To accomplish this, Carter, alongside other American military personnel, personally lowered himself into the reactor to disassemble it by hand.