Sharing these thoughts just after midnight, it’s officially Monday — but I spent the entire day yesterday not knowing what day of the week it was. Like… I knew it was the last day to get the wall-less room ready for the contractor, but still thought it was trash night. I even asked Perry to take care of it and right now… I have no clue where my trash is.
I do know I’m ready for Mr. Contractor!
The office is now a shared space with the dining room and I couldn’t hate it any more.

The dogs don’t care much for it either because they’re missing the comfy couch and chaise lounge they’re used to sleeping on while I work.

The treadmill room’s door is shut and while I can get in there to walk, I will be risking life and limb to get around the boxes stored in there while the remodel process is underway.
How long will this take and will I survive?
Dude said around 2 weeks but I’ll betcha it will take longer. I’ll absolutely survive because I no longer worry about keeping everything just ‘so so.’ Those days are gone. I live in a barn. What I do care about is that I’m uncomfortable sitting here in the dining room to work so I want to get stuff moved back as soon as possible.
Here we go… I can’t wait to cover up the ugly! 🙂
TIL (Today I Learned): Jimmy Carter signed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, the single largest expansion of protected lands in history which more than doubled the size of the National Parks System.