There’s a running joke about the Pesky’s spending money — they let me know they’re spending my inheritance. I’m pretty sure I just got shoved back a notch since they recently let me know that my son gets their beloved truck. 🙄
We all know that by the time they’re gone, that truck will be on blocks… old and rusted with about 400K miles on it. It’s the thought that counts, right? And the thought right now is that my son might’ve stepped ahead of me in the pecking order of things.

If that photo isn’t enough to convince you, check out the little “peeker” in the backseat sitting beside the ‘smirker’.

I wouldn’t be jealous except for the fact that it’s a really nice truck! I’m not worried though… I’ve got decades to change their minds. 😉
TIL (Today I Learned): Americans throw out over 400,000 smart phones per day, on average.