i used to LOVE the internet…

Apr 17, 2023

I’m so tired of every person and every company on the planet constantly trying to get my money!

Our data is valuable!

Our personal info is valuable because that’s how advertisers target us. It’s important to be vigilant and proactive in safeguarding our personal information to ensure that it is not misused or exploited.

  1. I’m tired of marketers (they are really SPAMMERS) filling out contact forms on business websites.
  2. I’m tired of social media — both the percentage of ads and the people asking to be my friend so they can sell me something.
    • Facebook has always been bad but is getting worse — and LinkedIn has become nothing short of horrible.
    • If you’re on social media and see something interesting… don’t click that link. No matter what, don’t click the freaking link.

Is it not enough that we’re served up ads for everything we’ve looked at over the past 10 years?

For instance, if you search for things on Google while signed in to your account, even if you use a VPN, Google will still track you. Those shoes you looked at on Zappos will follow you around till the day you’re dead. If you use Mac’s Safari — that doesn’t happen. The problem is that Chrome has over 55% of the market share in the US — and 60-70% in Europe and Africa.

Consider DuckDuckGo.

DuckDuckGo has an extension for Chrome as well as a mobile app. Your search history is private, advertising trackers won’t follow you around, and sites are forced to use encrypted connections when available. But you have to be consistent! Don’t think you can throw your private info around on your phone or iPad and only use DuckDuckGo on your desktop and achieve the results you’re looking for.

Again, consistency is key!

Someone should tell that to Mother Nature…

Today, it’s windy and in the low 40’s. Two days ago it felt like summer. 🙁 Yo, Mama Nature — you could try being a tad more dependable.

Perry and Dharma outside in spring.

TIL (Today I Learned): In 2013, a Florida man, Jeff Bush, was sleeping in his bedroom when a large sinkhole opened up directly underneath his bed, swallowing him and his entire bedroom. His brother heard him scream, but was unable to see or reach him in time. Bush’s body was never recovered.