my mom owes me an apology

Apr 25, 2023

Some days I feel my age more than others. I ain’t talkin ’bout physical age either. Awake early this morning with my coffee (thanks, Dharma!) and reading through various news articles, I saw an advertisement welcoming people to a place not so very far from me.

screenshot of an ad for Bloomington, IN

“Queer” was used as a derogatory remark… a slur… when I was in high school. Much like you might call someone an “asshole” or “pussy.” (There’s yet another word that was 100% unacceptable in my youth that’s okie dokie now.) The word “queer” was thrown about without thinking of it’s meaning.

That was never a word I uttered or directed at anyone because in my house, it was treated as a curse word. The only way the word “queer” was ok is if you meant someone was a bit odd or eccentric because that’s the only meaning the word had in Nanny’s time. If Mom or Nanny would’ve heard me call someone queer, I would’ve been grounded for a month. Or longer. Probably longer.

The word “crap” was barely tolerated and brought frowns of disapproval for crying out loud.

The word “fart” was not tolerated either — substitute the words “toot” or “fluffy” and you were golden. Saying the word “queer” would’ve brought down the roof!

Nanny’s gone, and I can’t imagine what she would think of today’s world. Born in 1911 and being on this earth for 98-years when she passed in 2009, she saw a whole lot of changes. Here I am, 14-years after she passed thinking about how things have evolved in just that amount of time.

I figure Mom owes me an apology because the word “queer” still makes me all kinds of uncomfortable.

I don’t care if you’re in a relationship with someone of the same sex. I don’t care if you marry them. I won’t push my lifestyle on you and don’t want you to push yours on me. It’s a non-issue, period. But if you call yourself queer, I’m liable to reach for a bar of soap. I can’t help it.

Along with that apology, I’m thinking Mom could send me on a cruise. I have found the perfect one! A ‘Pole to Pole’ cruise, newly offered by Holland America Line, takes you around the world in 133 days. (Read more about it here.) After this past month, I could sure use a break.

Even the puppies have had enough of this crap! (Sorry for cursing, Mom.) 🙂

Merida and Dharma - black and chocolate labs

TIL (Today I Learned): In 2018 a flatulent passenger who refused to stop farting forced a plane to land and police to be called to remove four fliers after a fight erupts on board.