I’ve had contractors here for a month and I’ve done basically NOTHING insofar as exercise that entire time. They come early and make constant noise until around 5:00 PM. Once they leave there’s dinner and work I couldn’t do when they were here. Heck, since my birthday I’ve either been injured or sick.
I read an article today about ole’ Joe Biden focusing on his age. He’s the first octogenarian president — 80 years old. Yup, he’s the oldest serving president EVER. And he’s running again. 😬
Biden says he exercises every morning from 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM. I want to know what his 45-minute exercise regimen looks like.
What does he do??
It’s said he works out with weights every AM while watching CNN or MSNBC. The weights are a bit of a surprise; his choice of news outlets is not. 🙄 It’s said he loves his Peloton but because of the security concern (especially after a bug in the software revealed users’ private data) it’s a secret if it’s in the White House or not. He also has a personal trainer.
I’m on hiatus for one more week — then I’ll be back on track.
The new door upstairs didn’t cooperate so my contractor dudes have one more day’s work upstairs. I’m coughing like crazy and sleeping little. Not sure if it’s breathing the polyurethane on the walls/ceiling or if it’s the bug that Jerilyn and Tader had first. Maybe it’s a combination of both.
I figure starting on a Monday is best. I’m taking one more week off to do nothing but enjoy my front yard view in the spring since I haven’t had anything like it for the past 10-years.

TIL (Today I Learned): After a large meal, a male lion can sleep for up to 24 hours.