I made a snack last night that was a hit! I will absolutely make it again — quick and easy with no mess — but I will change one thing.
Pizza bites… crackers transformed.
Crackers, pizza sauce (I used Cortina brand), mozzarella cheese, & pepperonis
Squirt pizza sauce on crackers, cover with mozzarella cheese, and put one pepperoni on each cracker. Heat oven to 350° and bake for around 5 minutes — long enough to melt the cheese.

Experience has taught me that Town House crackers are broken up a whole lot more than Ritz crackers. I opened one package in my family pack of Town House crackers to find about a third of them were broken. While it made the puppies happy, it didn’t have the same effect on me. I will use Ritz crackers next time.
The only other thing I’d like to try — because my favorite pizza comes from Pizza King (said to have been rated as Indiana’s favorite pizza) — is to make the copycat recipe of their sauce to use instead of the squirt bottle of sauce for this experiment. Pizza King’s sauce is supposed to be nothing more than equal parts of Red Gold tomato paste and water. Heck, I can do that!
TIL (Today I Learned): Worcestershire sauce was created by accident when a less than desirable sauce was forgotten and left to ferment in a cellar.