my first rural living complaint

May 9, 2023

I’ll bet in a million years you didn’t think my first big complaint about a rural lifestyle would be about dogs, right? I LOVE dogs. What I don’t like are some dog owners. Dogs running loose were never a problem in Seymour — at least where I lived.

But these 2 dudes are regulars here.

The other night, I was sitting in the family room watching TV and turn around to find the bigger one with his paws on the house so he could peek inside — making my dogs go bat shit crazy. They stride through my flowers and plants like they own the place and my security cameras have alerted me to their visits multiple times.

As I was working outside today, I had the garage door open. They were trotting around in there like it was their job. Go home, you hounds!

So I posted on Facebook in the Crothersville Community Board and found that some people are idiots.

The overall content of the post was that “If you know who these 2 belong to (on 500 S), please let them know if they want to keep them, they need to keep them home.”

The owner fessed up but basically let me know I’m an asshole. She tried to say they just got out of their pen… like it was a rarity… a one time oopsie. She went on to say some people act like it’s a sin to let your dogs go on adventures. I replied…

This isn’t the 1st time your dogs have been here. I have 2 dogs myself and ensure they have their adventures on a leash or in their own yard because I don’t want them to get hurt — and I respect my neighbors. YOUR pets are YOUR responsibility.

It was a waste of time. If you don’t keep your pets on your own property, my opinion isn’t going to change that. If you have other people’s pets on your property defacing your stuff, you understand. Next time, I’ll just call animal control.

TIL (Today I Learned): The feeling of being awake when you’re actually sleeping is a disorder called paradoxical insomnia and the reason for it is unclear.