newsflash: cooked food is hot

May 16, 2023

There are some titles to articles that I simply can’t NOT click. For example: McDonald’s Found Liable After Florida Girl ‘Disfigured’ by Chicken Nugget.

What I gleaned from this article — that’s about the dumbest darn thing ever — is that a family of 4 drove through a McDonald’s near Fort Lauderdale and got their 4 year-old daughter chicken nuggets. The lawsuit claims they were “dangerously hot,” one fell on the child’s thigh and got caught under the belt of her car seat, and she’s now “disfigured and scarred.”

Any parents reading this pass hot food to their small child in the back seat without first seeing if it’s too hot?

No? Me neither. My kid is over 40 and I still think about blowing on his food before he eats it. 🙄 There’s no way I would’ve just passed a Happy Meal over the seat without opening it first and checking the contents.

The couple demanded McDonald’s pay $15K for bodily injuries, pain, suffering, mental anguish and emotional distress for the negligence. We wonder what’s wrong with the world we live in today — and I wonder where they got the jurors.

The cardboard mountain is only a hill.

Perry burning trash.

Having such a windy spring and unable to burn anything, the cardboard situation around here was mission critical. Perry started whittling away on it this afternoon.

And Dharma watched…

Dharma outside on the deck.

We’re thinking about suing Amazon.

Dharma was so worried that Perry was going to be injured by the hot fire that she became stressed. Mental anguish and emotional doggie distress should result in compensation and since a whole bunch of the boxes were from Amazon, they should pay. Who’s with me on this reasoning?

TIL (Today I Learned): Out of 400-500 species of shark, the Sand Tiger Shark is the only one known to fart.