you can’t cut your hair until you’re 21 because i said so

Jun 4, 2023

My Momma had me in a pixie hair cut when she wanted to and she let my grow my hair long when she wanted to. I had to have PERMISSION to get “fly back” bangs when I was a Junior in high school. Yes, seriously. No one cared except for me. Not one person rioted or carried a sign at the stoplight in town.

Her house. Her rules.

Today’s parents? Why, they’re fed social media BS until it flows out their ears. The mainstream media is just as bad at saturating us with constant junk. I try not to be an old person with old ways on everything. I’m accepting of people’s choices even when they don’t align with mine. But…

Transgender minors is where I draw the line, people.

Texas Governor Abbott signed a bill on Friday that bans transgender healthcare including puberty blockers and hormone therapy for minors. (Texas is the largest of the 20 states to have outlawed gender-affirming care.) Those who disagree are wrong and you’ll never convince me otherwise. The ACLU keeps 300 attorneys on staff and they’re going to cost tax payer dollars to fight it. AND… how much more am I going to pay in insurance premiums if they win?

I was a girl that wanted to climb trees and cross my legs like a dude at the table and not one time did anyone ever call me dainty or girly; however, I was called a “tomboy.” If I had been exposed to what kids are today, I might’ve thought I should’ve been a boy. But you know what? I wasn’t born a dude.

Buckle up.

If at 13 years-old you think you have to change your sex or you can’t live 5 years until you’re of age to make adult decisions… buckle up. You’ve got 50 years of this thing called WORK coming at you fast — and it will consume the biggest part of your waking hours so you can eat food and have a place to live.

After stepping down from my soapbox on this subject, I don’t even know what type of photo to share. Nothing fits. 🙂 So I’ll just say I’m so close to retirement that I can smell it almost as strongly as Merida can smell where these eggs came from…

TIL (Today I Learned): Ernest Hemingway had a transgender daughter. Gloria Hemingway (born Gregory Hancock Hemingway) was an American physician and writer. Although she lived most of her life publicly as a man, she struggled with her gender identity from a young age, and in her sixties underwent surgery to transition.

TIL (Today I Learned #2): Americans are twice as likely to kill themselves than be killed by another person.