The day started with rain and fog. It’s colder than it’s been for weeks, but we needed the rain.

Mom made what she called “stone soup” for lunch and it was amazing!
I didn’t get a bite before she asked if I knew what stone soup is. Nope… no clue. “Do you remember Captain Kangaroo?” she asked. I do remember him… sort of… but I don’t know anything about the show.
She explains there was an episode of Captain Kangaroo where he made stone soup. I asked Google for details and found the episode aired in 1961 — about 62 years ago. No, Mom. I sure don’t remember it. 😏
A lesson in sharing.
Stone soup is a story where hungry strangers convince the people of a town to each share a small amount of their food in order to make a meal that everyone enjoys. The Captain had a pot filled with water and a rock and by the time everyone contributed something, he had a delicious soup for all to enjoy.

Now that my belly is full, I’m wondering who all contributed to Mom’s stone soup.
TIL (Today I Learned): A 36-year-old man with a super swollen stomach, who had had trouble breathing, went to the ER only to discover that the twin he had absorbed in utero was still living in his abdomen.