It’s under 60 degrees in the Ville at almost 11:00 AM and the high will barely top 70. The pool water is too cold to enjoy and I’m wondering if it will be before fall takes over. Good grief! Days with record highs followed by days with record lows. 🙄
The deck that is slooooowly coming together…

Tim sent the photo above from his perspective… the building side. The pool steps have been installed and railing will go up soon. He’s here this morning — asked for coffee and a spare sweatshirt. He even showed up on Saturday when there was help (sort of).

With the weather as it is, there’s no rush. Tim’s moving as fast as he can and there’s no hurry anyway. Happy we can help him get back in the game after his bout with cancer, and wondering if this will last so long that I’ll miss him when he’s gone. 🙂
TIL (Today I Learned): Today I learned that I can’t access REDDIT for fun facts. (Read about it here on TechRadar.) About 90% of their subreddits are dark… meaning they’re down in protest over the site’s new (and controversial) charges for 3rd party app developers. Who knows what will happen next for Reddit? Not me… for sure. In the meantime, TIL here will be absent — just like the COVID stats that fell by the wayside.