Weigh-in was yesterday (once per week) for the 3 fat girls. It’s only the start of “project healthy,” but I’d be just fine if we ended it today. I’m right in the middle insofar as weight loss for this, the first week. 1st and 3rd places switched since last year with Katie gaining 2.5 pounds this week. OUCH!
It’s a good thing we aren’t being judged by sleep.
My sleep regimen sucks and it’s not getting any better. It doesn’t matter what time I go to bed, I’m good for right at 5 hours — give or take 15 minutes. And the crazy part is, the more active I am, the more my sleep suffers.

You’d think being active would make one sleepy… but not me. I blame my poor sleep hygiene on my dogs, but that’s really not true. Sure, sometimes they get me up before I want to wake, but the biggest part of the time I can only blame myself. I’ve tried everything from meditation and sleep gummies — to Tylenol PM and no blue light an hour before bed — but nothing helps.
My weigh-in mood this week was…
Not stormy exactly — but certainly not sunshine either.

Katie’s mood was more like the sky I ran into on the way to Clarksville yesterday afternoon. Angry! Bitter even. 🙂

Today I Learned: The Chicago gangster Hymie Weiss had terminal cancer which allowed him to recklessly ignore his own safety. Weiss led a gang war against Al Capone, shooting up Capone’s car and hotel, making him “the only man Al Capone feared”. Ultimately Weiss was assassinated on October 11th, 1926.