I’ve been fighting with the mini split units here at the barndo since moving in last September. First, it was the upstairs ones that didn’t work — then the downstairs ones decided to go on strike too. The upstairs unit outside was fitted with a new circuit board — that took FOREVER to get — and they’re now working just fine.
The downstairs outside unit now has a new circuit board too, but none of the inside units are working right. One ignores the thermostat and makes the dining room fit for hanging meat; the bedroom one is average cool; and the office one just circulates air. We’re waiting on yet another part.
But Perry is gonna’ be chillin’ like a villain!
The A/C in his vehicle took a dump late in the summer last year when we were all piled in there. Dressed for dinner, it’s a good thing we ate before it conked out since we all looked pretty darned haggard by the time we stopped at the nearest auto parts store to buy refrigerant. That wasn’t the problem.
Since fall was just around the corner, he put off fixing it. Now that it’s turned extremely hot and humid, I guess he got tired of sweating. A trip to the Honda dealership to drop it off — and another to pick it up yesterday evening — he’s now the proud owner of a new compressor and 3 repaired recalls.
He was feeling so good about his bad self that HE took a sunset photo and sent it to me via text.
Check out the mist, would you? And that’s a pretty field of beans…

Too bad my A/C woes weren’t fixed in a day.
Even with the HVAC issues, it’s still comfortable inside the barndo. Cold in the kitchen and dining room… a normal temperature in the place I sleep… and I have a portable unit in the office that keeps it just right for me to work. Although central air at the Seymour house was nice — I wouldn’t trade this place for that one. I love it here. ❤️
Today I Learned: The band KISS had to change their logo when performing in Germany because their S’s looked like the Nazi SS emblem.