My Nanny died August 6, 2009. Someone sent a peace lily to the funeral that ended up with me. Since that time, it’s been split into two plants. I gave one to Mom when I moved from Seymour.
Mr. Pesky about killed it!! When I took it back because they thought it was hopeless, the plant was basically nothing but black sticks. I trimmed everything back, added a little Miracle Grow, talked to it, and the ole’ girl was resurrected.

I can’t believe that in a few short weeks my Nanny will have been gone from this earth for 14 years. When I think about all the things she’s missed, I try to also remember all the parts of her life I missed. She would’ve loved to have met Colette… but I would’ve loved to have met her sister, Stella. Of course, I still miss her… but that too is just part of life.
Those pink shoes…
Around 3 years ago, I posted about this FB friend I didn’t know. I was inspired by her and still am. At the time I wrote the first post, she was going through chemo and always wore pink high-heeled shoes — even to treatments. I knew she was an “older woman” but didn’t know how old. I do now… or at least I can get close.
The person I’m talking about graduated in 1966 so she’s over 75 if my math is right. Yesterday, she shared a photo of herself squatting down — in 3″ stilettos. I couldn’t do that at my age in sneakers. But let me tell ya, this chick can rock pink sneakers too!

Time to get back on the treadmill — and also do some exercises that work on those quadriceps. Maybe all I need are some pink shoes for working out to replace my blue ones! Here I come, Zappos! Let’s do this!