We’re on notice today… an air quality alert is in effect until midnight. The Canadian wildfires are bringing more smoke to our area and many others. The officials at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management has declared the air unsafe, and within the alert, they also listed recommended actions for the public to take.
It’s too bad the recommendations make zero sense. Get this:
The air is unhealthy for active children and adults (along with people with respiratory disease). Those people should limit outdoor exposure. Ok… I get that.
Next, it’s recommended that the public walk, bike, carpool or use public transportation. Inactive people aren’t going to be walking or biking… active ones are to limit exposure. Does that mean it’s ok if we’re exposed to the polluted air if our legs are moving? 🙄
Not smoke or smog but fog… or is it mist… or steam?

Enlighten me if you know what it is that’s covering the ground.
The AI generated answers to what it could be aren’t specific enough for me to know the difference. “Steam can form over plants and crops when the temperature of the air above them is cooler than the temperature of the plants themselves. This can happen in the early morning when the ground is still warm from the previous day’s sun and the air is cooler.” So it could be that.
Another said, “Once the air temperature cools to the dew-point temperature, the invisible water vapor that surrounds us condenses into tiny water droplets and it is these that form fog.“ So it could be that.
And finally, yet another said, “Mist and fog are caused by water droplets in the air, and the only difference is how far you can see.” So it could be that.
Dharma doesn’t care what it is or which form of nature created it — she just knows it gives her a spook.

Today I Learned: Despite the popular belief that SOS stands for “Save Our Ship” or “Save Our Souls”, it actually doesn’t stand for anything. SOS was developed because it was an easy sequence of letters to remember in Morse Code (three dots, three dashes, three dots).