What are your weaknesses? You know… what are the things you want and simply have a difficult time resisting?
I love expensive perfume and hair products… I love jewelry. But I can resist those things without a huge amount of effort. Expensive sunglasses and shoes? Don’t get in my way. 🙂
Steer me clear!
Don’t let me surf Zappos. Whatever you do, don’t let me even walk by a place that sells Maui Jim sunglasses. It doesn’t matter that I have a bajillion pair of shoes or multiple pair of sunglasses — I always want just one more of each.
Tech items (yes, I probably have at least one of everything and duplicates of more than I could begin to list) are tied with jeans for 2nd.

I have at least 20 pair hanging in one closet — and more in other closets. Who needs that many pair of jeans?? And I don’t like the cheaper brands… oh no. 🙄
Dharma’s weakness is shrubbery after a rain.

Perry’s weakness is anything sweet.
(Everything he wants falls under the heading “sweetie cakes” — even donuts.)

What about you?
I’ll betcha the entire time you’ve been reading this you’ve been thinking about the things you can’t resist. Maybe it’s stuff to cook with… maybe it’s fishing equipment… or tools… or yard equipment… (Mr. Pesky falls under both the last 2) — or maybe you have the same weaknesses that I do.
Life’s short — whatever your weakness… treat yourself every once and awhile! (So long as it’s legal.) 🙂
Today I Learned: Missouri has some of the loosest alcohol laws in the US. Hard liquor can be sold in grocery stores and gas stations; bars can double as liquor stores; public intoxication is legal; and open containers are allowed in most areas, including by passengers in vehicles.