Today was weigh-in day for the fat girls’ “get healthy” project. Guess what?

I’m taking a break no matter what my flipping Oura Ring thinks I should do! Reading more about the activity score, being lower isn’t supposed to be bad so long as it’s above 80. My competitive side, however, still doesn’t like it when my 92 year-old Mom has a higher score insofar as activity than I do.
I have a pro tip that couldn’t wait to share!
We all know eggs are healthy… they’re high in protein, have no carbs, and are no longer said to be bad for your arteries. Boiled eggs are a great — and filling — addition to any diet. They’re amazing even if you’re not trying to lose weight but merely striving for a healthier lifestyle.

That little jewel right there will make 7 eggs (soft, medium, or hard) without any cleanup. No pot to wash is a win! It says it will also do omelets too but I’ve yet to try that. I can tell you that it’s less than $10 bucks at Walmart and eggs peel so easy you won’t believe it!
Today I Learned: After Colonel Sanders sold KFC, he still made surprise visits to KFC restaurants. If the food disappointed him, he’d denounce it as “God-damned slop” or knock it on the floor. In 1973, KFC’s owner sued him for libel after he publicly called their gravy “sludge” with a “wall-paper taste.”