Disney room and tickets have been purchased. Dinner at Le Cellier Steakhouse has been reserved. Our magic bands should be coming soon. We’re all ready to go except…
We can’t agree on how to get there. 🙄
Coco just got back from California and had an awful return flight. A layover in Vegas for hours and she’s all about a road trip. Ben’s great with a road trip too… he HATES to fly. I hate flying, but it’s 2.5 hours and the price of rental cars are crazy expensive right now. Perry gets to go this time around and he doesn’t care how he gets there, just so long as he doesn’t get left behind again.
I’m more worried about it raining there all week than anything else.
Here… that’s all it does. Yesterday started out like it might be an ok day.

It was raining hard by 4:00 PM, tiny hail was pinging the roof, and thunder was scaring my hound dogs.

A doctor’s appointment today is timed just so it interferes with my intermittent fasting diet.
Mom has an appointment that ensures my typical treadmill time will be spent in the car, and my first meal of the day will be missed while sitting in a doctor’s office. I’m thinking I’ll take a boiled egg to pop in my mouth just before walking in. I figure that will make our obligatory selfie look grand since masks are no longer required. Yuck!
If I wait until I get home to eat, I might die. 20 hours without food? I’d rather buy dinner and drinks for the fat girls at St. Elmos.
Today I Learned: Americans have accumulated $21 billion worth of unused gift cards. Almost 2/3 of people have a card, and half of those will likely lose the gift card before using it.