I was the biggest loser again this week of “project fat girls.” Woot! Katie is still gaining and Jeri is slowly moving in the right direction. That pretty much sums up all the good stuff for this, the last full week of July, 2023. 🙂
It’s hot here in the Ville!
The A/C parts ordered for my POS units are in stock at the distributor and should be delivered to S&L (my repair dudes) by Monday. That’s the good news… the bad news is that if this doesn’t fix the issue, I get to choose the manner in which I want to spend around $20K. ARG!
The only thing thriving out here in my slice of the world are the mosquitos. They love the wet, hot, weather. They should be thrilled since the heat index values are to be 109° today. With the high humidity, heat illnesses hit humans and not insects. They say that “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” We’ll see what happens next. 😬
Life is still good…
Even though I’m pretty darned miserable hot, can’t cook inside, don’t want to dry clothes to make it worse, and more — yesterday was SENIOR DAY at the pool! Without glasses, I can’t see much of anything. I thought I captured the white headed people behind me when taking a photo…

But no! They were incognito behind my raft. I did get them, though…

I’m pretty sure they snuck in without paying the daily fee yesterday. I plan to watch them much closer today. And Momma Pesky took the water aerobics class and didn’t pay that additional cost either! Wondering about changing their names to the Sneaky Neighbors instead of the Pesky ones.
If there’s one thing we can all learn from my Mom, it’s this:
You have to stay active to remain active.
I’m no spring chicken, but even Carl has a decade on me. He does dives into the pool that dudes half his age only wish they could do. No matter how old you are, exercise is paramount. I’m doing my best to keep up with these two. 😉

Fact for the day: Marina Oswald Porter, JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald’s wife, is still alive and living in Texas.