Either I’m living in 1955 or in India where only 5% of homes have air conditioning. Since the parts are supposed to be in tomorrow, the repair dudes should be here early in the week. I think I’ll make it! I also think I may sleep 12-hours per night for a week just to catch up on all I’ve missed. It’s hard to sleep where it’s hot, isn’t it?
Grass grows like crazy when it rains.
We’re mowing a couple times a week and August is almost here. As soon as the heavy dew dries up, that’s what has to happen again today. Typically by August, we’re looking at grass that’s too dry and turning brown unless it’s watered (which won’t be happening here).
I’m sitting outside now trying to talk myself into starting with the weed eater that doesn’t care if it’s still wet.

At least I have a pool to get cool.
Not only do I have a great place to cool off even though I don’t have air conditioning, I’m also looking forward to pulling up the blinds. Right now, it’s like nighttime throughout the house in an effort to keep it cooler than it would be with the sun shining in.
Fact for the day: The biggest bank robbery in history was Saddam Hussein’s son just walking inside the Central Bank of Iraq the night before US invasion, with a note handwritten by his father, loaded almost $1 billion into three tractor-trailers in span of two hours and left. $350 million of that was never found.