Dharma leads a life of leisure! She goes to the doctor more frequently than I do. She eats at the same time every single day and it’s prepared by someone else. She has no jobs to do, no laundry or dishes or anything at all she has to stay on top of. When she grunts, she gets whatever she wants and never says thank you. She can lie in the sun without a care in the world.

She’s never worried the first time about a roof over her head or taxes or groceries. She naps frequently and someone even picks up her poop. (ME!) She doesn’t brush her own hair, gets lots of belly rubs, and she doesn’t have deadlines. That’s the LIFE, you guys!
Everything above also applies to Merida, but she isn’t nearly as lazy. If I get to have one week as a dog, I don’t want to spend it jumping around all over the place and scratching human legs with a bone. I want peaceful naps and no responsibilities… like Dharma.
Brad’s got it pretty good too!
Brad the hummingbird made it back home. He has several friends that come around too and buzz the heads of those sitting on the deck. He’s not worried about air conditioners and there’s plenty of food/drink and a place to party all summer.

Can you tell I had a rough day?
When a person wishes to be a dog for a week — or even a hummingbird — that’s a good indicator that they might be having a few substandard days in a row. I spent hours outside yesterday with a weed eater and it was HOT! Coming inside, it was still hot. Today is the day the A/C parts are supposed to be in, but no idea when the repair dudes are coming to work on the units.
This too shall pass. I’m grateful I’m healthy enough to weed eat — and withstand the hot temps. Weed eating might be miserable, but it sure is great exercise.
Fact for the day: In 2022, 68 year-old Maya Murmu was collecting water in India when an elephant stamped on her. She was rushed to the hospital, but died from her injuries. When family members gathered for her funeral, a herd of elephants appeared, and one of them lifted Murmu’s body and threw it in the air. Then the elephants tore her house down. (It was said Murmu was part of a group of poachers that killed the elephant’s baby.)