The Seymour pool closes in 5 days. Holy cow! It just quit raining long enough here for our pool water to get warm enough to swim comfortably within the past 2 weeks.
Worst summer evah.
This current summer has been an outdoor disappointment in southern Indiana. The Jackson County Fair 2023 is nothing but a memory and most kids are back in school already. Coco’s first day of school by way of her Momma to her Dad to me…

Those hot days where the grass doesn’t grow? Not here yet! Now might be a good time to mention that my A/C units are still not working. 😬
This begets that…

Whacking weeds all the way to the creek.
Pretty sure we have a mile of ditch that requires weed eating. The creek that my favorite brother and I used to “hike” to is now on property that I own. I remember Scott walking across the top of the culvert and I was so afraid he would fall in. I also thought his balance was so good he should be in the circus. Fast forward another 10 years or so and Jerilyn and I would venture down there for photo shoots. Lots of good memories!
I thought it was awesome the creek was on us until I found out that it’s a great place for people to dump their junk. No one has dumped garbage bags (yet), but miraculously a pile of dead tree debris just appeared. I cleaned it up this time, but am contemplating a different strategy for future turds. ðŸ˜
Fact for the day: About a million traffic cones are stolen in the U.S. each year.