After day 1 of yard work (it takes more than 1 day to do it all), I asked Perry if he thought I was a tiny city house and inground pool sort of person instead of what I am currently.
Perry: I do.
Me: You think I should sell this place?
Perry: What?
Me: You said…
Perry: WAIT! I really didn’t hear the question.
It doesn’t matter what he says anyway. 😉
As long as I’m able to either do the work to keep up this place or pay to have it done, I’m not going anywhere. It’s as far from fancy as you can get…

Give me a bean field instead of a privacy fence…

…and give me a horizon that isn’t blocked by houses.

Did you know? There was a Stanford study that took low income stressed/anxious children and exposed them to distressing images such as car crashes and then pleasant images to determine that they have stronger fear signals than typical kids which leads to more impulsive and less controlled actions.