When I was a student at Crothersville High School, there were two foreign languages to choose from — French and Spanish — both taught by the same teacher. At that time, Spanish wasn’t the popular choice so I took French. I went on to take 2 semesters of French to satisfy my foreign language requirement in college. If I knew then what I know now, I would’ve opted for Spanish.
Here I am, 100 years later, and I can’t remember much of anything from those courses — other than in college, I recall that I was made fun of. I don’t know how many times I was asked if I came from “the south of France” because of my Midwestern/Southern accent.
I recall the meaning of the French word “cochon” (pig) for reasons unknown — and the phrase “voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir” (would you like to sleep with me tonight) because of the song by Lady Marmalade. That’s about it. Thanks for the education, Mom. 😉
There are a few other words I can still recognize as they are similar to English.
Fleur — flower… for example. Belle fleur… beautiful flower.
Taken with the iPhone 14 Pro Max

Taken with the Samsung S22 Ultra

While I think the big yellow flower is beautiful, not every country and culture would agree. For example, in France; a yellow flower represents jealousy, betrayal, and weakness. Today in Mexico, yellow flowers (especially marigolds), are used in celebrations to honor the dead.
I don’t care what they think of sunflowers (girasoles) in Mexico, or (tournesols) in France, because this is the USA!
I love sunflowers!
Those in the photos above flank the garden of the Pesky Neighbors. You know… the garden that is producing more tomatoes than we can consume right now. I thought I’d never get a ripe one and now we have more of those red suckers than we can eat.
And I’m NOT complaining! 🙂
For extra credit: Notice the two photos above were taken by different phone cameras. Which phone do you think produced the better quality photo?
Now you know: Robert Brecheen was a convicted murderer who attempted suicide by overdose just prior to his execution in 1995. He was found, revived, and treated at a local hospital until he was better, then returned to prison and executed.