The Seymour Tribune has been around forever. In 1920, it was called the Seymour Daily Tribune, but it was in print under various names since 1879. The name of the newspaper was changed to “The Tribune” in 1994. Starting 9/2/23, the paper will only be in print 2 days per week. A digital subscription will get you all the updates and a digital/print plan is also available.
Making money with subscriptions AND advertising.
Even when you pay some $75 bucks a month for streaming TV, you get ads. When you pay for subscriptions to newspapers, you get ads. When you buy or subscribe to a physical newspaper, you get ads. The average human brain is saturated with marketing advertisements.
If you’re going to get served ads, why not get your news where it’s free? Ahhhh… many do. Think about it… you can learn more “grit” on Facebook about local happenings than you can by subscribing to the local newspaper. Can’t you? Who cares if it’s accurate? The mainstream media is not a whole lot better.
The sun has already set on journalism as we knew it to be in years past.

digital is winning around here too!
I took a photo of a butterfly with a telephoto lens on my DSLR camera. That yellow insect was really far away! I was on the main deck, and the butterfly was resting on an unnamed type bush/tree in edge of woods. It turned out ok…

I wasn’t so lucky capturing a digital photo of this one specific hummingbird. He was much closer than the butterfly but is nearly impossible to photograph. I snapped 10 or so shots and this is the best I got… dude doesn’t slow down for a moment!

He is a ruby-throated hummingbird, (females have a white throat) and is a mean little turd. More rare than the run-of-the-mill green ones, he’s a total smartass. He runs other hummers away from the feeder and if you get too close, he’ll buzz your head.
I’ll try for a better photo in days to come. Like… when the Pesky Neighbors aren’t here being pesky. 😉

Now you know: The world’s first TV commercial aired during a game between the Dodgers and Phillies from US channel in New York. It was a 10 second ad for Bulova Watches. Youtube was launched in 2005.