I scroll through Facebook ignoring just about everything, but one thing I slow down for — and sometimes watch — are dog videos. I don’t want to… but I can’t help it.
I recently caught a short clip about a black dog being adopted and then returned. Not once, but twice before a dude working at the shelter decided to foster him. All that was wrong with said puppy is that he was destructive, rowdy, and rude.
Merida was destructive, rowdy and rude as a puppy too!
Now, she’s just rowdy and rude. 🙂

Dharma is the one with all the health problems. 🙁
We are currently battling something brand new. It started with the space between her paw pads becoming red and tender. She wanted to lick them constantly. I figured the deck she has to cross to get to the fenced part of the yard was too hot. I put down rugs.
That wasn’t it because a few days later, she acted like her ears itched and I saw a spot on her nose she’d rubbed raw. Right after that, her eye swelled and it was itching too! Once it got to this point, I couldn’t get her in to the vet because it was weekend. I gave her Benadryl & CBD chews, treated her ears with solution we had from from the vet, washed her with soap and water, and put coconut oil on her face.
And… kept her out of THIS…

Dharma LOVES to go under these bushes… especially when it’s raining. She practically uproots the things! According to Google Lens, they are Viburnum bushes (we have 2) and it seems those hairy leaves are actually covered with teeny-tiny thorns that cause irritation and contact dermatitis.
I called the vet yesterday and she has an appointment tomorrow. BUT… I forgot that my A/C dudes are coming at the same time to fix the upstairs units… AGAIN! It’s a good thing the ole’ girl is just about healed up because hers is the appointment getting rescheduled. 😉
Now you know: “Snickers salad” is a dish often served at potlucks that consists of chopped-up Snickers bars, Granny Smith apples, Cool Whip, and pudding. Popular lore states it is either a salad or a dessert depending on which end of the table it is sitting at. (Sounds like dessert to me.)