I’m still whining about my back/leg/hip… whatever it is that’s causing me all these issues right now. It’s a nerve from somewhere that something is twanging with most all movement. So my personal trainer, Katie, set me up with exercises she thinks will cure me.
Walking isn’t helping one tiny bit.
I’m walking every day and hitting the goals set for me by my Apple watch and Oura ring. Carl and I walk daily and sometimes we hit it again in the evening. During every walk, we pass by this one square of grass that grows right in the middle of the road. Shout out to that clump of grass for carrying on through adversity!

Seeing that square of grass growing where it shouldn’t be– in the middle of the road getting ran over by cars — should be a sign. Right? A metaphor symbolic of the ability to break through and grow despite being surrounded by stronger forces. But hard as I try, the only thing I can think about is that walking with a pissed off nerve hurts.
When it’s almost over.
The thought that makes me happiest hits when I can see the ole’ barndo and I know I’m almost home.

For the record, the challenge I have now isn’t as bad as when I had surgery 9 years ago — not even close. I’m still walking right at 5 miles per day. I hope the slight inclines aren’t what’s keeping me from improving because I enjoy walking with Carl — and he needs to be more active too. But I know with 100% certainty that it doesn’t hurt nearly as bad — during and after the exercise — when I’m on the treadmill.
Now you know: When Apple began designating employee numbers, Steve Jobs was offended that Wozniak received #1 while he got #2. He believed he should be second to no one, so he took #0 instead.