It’s miserable hot… no doubt about that. The air is so close and the heat index is to be in the triple digits throughout the week. Louisville has “operation white flag” in effect… cooling centers open for homeless and those with health problems without A/C. Here, we’re under an excessive heat warning.
C’ville School has parents hot under the collar.
Facebook is lit up with parents upset that the school is too hot for their kids. I get it… it has to be harder to concentrate and learn when you’re roasting. School officials explain that they have HVAC people coming to (hopefully) repair the A/C today that services portions of the building — and it’s only certain classrooms that are hotter than others. They have some window units and several fans.
Thing is… I’m old enough to remember no A/C in school.
I remember sitting in class with the lights dimmed and shades pulled to keep out as much heat as possible. I don’t think we had A/C the entire time I was in high school. I also didn’t have A/C in the car I drove to school. My Momma drove a school bus for 24-years without A/C — starting in 1972. And I vividly remember driving a big yellow tin can myself without A/C for 24 years!!

Not once did I have a parent complain that the bus was too hot for their child — even when they were sweating on top of one another often in direct sunlight. I had a grand total of 2 pukers in 24 years (one had eaten hot dogs and pineapple… unforgettable) and I’m not even sure those were heat related. As the driver sitting right on top of the transmission, I could wring out my underwear when the route was over — but I lived through that too.

I wonder if any of these kids that can’t stand the heat in their classroom went to the Jackson County Fair.
The Fair is always in August and it’s always hot. Outside moving around is different than sitting in a classroom with fans, isn’t it? I’d bet $100 bucks none of the complainers are parents of FFA or 4H members. Those kids know what hot is.
Now you know: Hamilton, the capital of Bermuda, is the city with the highest cost of living in the world. The cost of living is 47.42% higher than New York City.