Before I get political, I saw where Jackson County Sheriff’s Department K9 Control is asking for donations of chemicals to clean their kennels. Why would anyone donate to them when there are shelters full of dogs needing homes that obviously poop and pee in their kennels too? Sorry, but I find this request pathetic.
Skip the rest if you don’t want to read political viewpoints!
I’ve read a bajillion articles of late regarding who likes Donald Trump. The most interesting was a poll by a multi-university team of social scientists. They found Trump has a commanding 40-point lead over DeSantis even though he has multiple criminal indictments. They wanted to know the demographics of these people — and to view the report/article of their findings you must subscribe to the NY Times.
Take note of Dharma’s expression as I summarize:

“Trump’s support is not uniform across all Republicans – it is, for instance, notably higher among Republicans who identify with some of these characteristics – being less wealthy or educated, rural, older, Hispanic or white, or very conservative.”
Reading on through the article, those particular groups of voters may show the largest leads, but Trump’s on top across the board. And get this — only 18% of the Republicans polled felt Trump’s indictment (regarding classified documents) was justified. In a July Reuters/Ipsos poll, it was reported that 37% of independents said the criminal cases made them less likely to vote for Trump. What about the other 63%?
Biden is doing a great job… WHAT???
When people I know stand up for the current administration and act like Biden is doing this great job, I can’t keep the “are you kidding me” look off my face. I can’t! I’ve tried, you guys.
Bad press about Joe or Hunter Biden? Another Trump indictment. Don’t look here… look THERE!! I’m not a conspiracy theorist or a right-wing nut job. I just want fairness — and that ain’t never gonna happen. Politics are ugly.
Dharma’s “where are your brain cells” expression is a duplicate of mine when talking politics with just about anyone. 🙂
If you missed it and want to catch the Tucker Carlson/Trump interview, you can watch it on X (Twitter).
Now you know: The mayor of Knox County, TN is a 7 foot tall WWE wrestler known as Kane.