Last night at 8:00 PM was the end of the excessive heat warning. The danger behind us by nightfall, it was a good 10-15° cooler than it was the night before. I love it hot outside, but when the air is like mud it’s not so much fun.

We could bale hay in our yard.
Right at a week since we mowed last, the grass is TALL — so tall that it’s tasseled in some spots. The humidity kept it watered so it grew… and grew. Even with the big heat warning, I got out the old weed eater and went to work late yesterday afternoon. Perry felt sorry for me and took it away… which was great! But then I got out the push mower. 😉
Me: I’m gonna’ push mow the dog part.
Perry: No, you’re not.
Me: Oh, yes I am!
Perry: NO!
Me: 😇
I endured some pretty evil looks but didn’t let it deter me from my mission. I push mowed the fenced in dog part and will be ready for the rider today if it gets dry enough. Perry has to work so there won’t be anyone to yell at me when I’m close to passing out from a heat stroke. The yelling will commence; however, when he gets off work because he told me 10 times to leave it and he would mow once he got off.
There’s A/C upstairs again! Just in the nick of time…
S&L showed up yesterday and installed the coil for the upstairs unit. Coco will be here today to swim (weather permitting) and her room is up there, so it was finished just in time. Haven’t gotten the final bill but I’m willing to bet we’ll be $5K -$6K all in. Other than cleaning in the spring and fall, I sure hope we’ve got a few good years left on both units.
Now you know: Elephant trunks are strong enough to lift and hold 770lbs yet precise enough to crack peanut shells without breaking the seeds.