Last I checked, the barndo is located on the outskirts of the Ville. Here in southern Indiana, we see lots of toads and tree frogs but they are a normal bland green and/or brown in color. The only time I’ve seen any brightly colored frogs or toads, it’s been in photos from areas that are far, far away from here.
I will admit that I don’t often check out amphibians so I could’ve missed this species, and maybe y’all know what this is:

Little dude was dead — bloody on the stomach. Merida started throwing up EARLY yesterday morning and didn’t eat anything all day. Coincidence? I dunno… For the record, Google Lens has no idea what this critter is either.
I wonder if we can keep up with this place in 10 years.
There’s a LOT to mow here. I thought it would be easier to take care of this place than snipping every blade of grass oh, so perfectly in Seymour. But there’s a whole lot of grass here!

Not shown in the 2 photos above is more yard to the west and south. Also, we mow in front of the trees you see in photo #1 an area that’s the size of a normal yard. It takes HOURS by the time the trimming, push mowing, and riding is complete. I don’t hate doing it except when it’s really hot… but this twice a week shit means it’s time to start about the same time we get finished. 😕
Now you know: Family members scattering dead relative’s ashes on Disney World rides is a “common occurrence” — especially on the the Haunted Mansion ride.