Coronado Springs Resort – our home for the week.

Sep 24, 2023

Last minute plans and Colette had to fly to Orlando while Ben, Perry and I drove there. For the first time in the history of forever, we stopped on the way to sleep so our first day wouldn’t be spent feeling rough. After trying several places that were full, we finally found availability at a Marriott.

The following morning, we were back on the road and arrived to take the standard gate photo by early afternoon.

The conference hotel and our arrival there…

The Mopar conference is always held at Coronado Springs. It’s not what I’d pick for us if not for the event being held there, but it’s nice just the same.

Upon checking in, I had a gift waiting from Frank and Jay — the two guys that make everything happen.

We had a tower room that we trashed by day 2. We had clothes everywhere and counters covered with drinks and snacks. I’m sure housekeeping has listed us in the top 10 worst guests ever. We had a water view this year and the room itself was great.

Small things make a big difference.

Once nice perk? Disney characters would randomly appear in the hotel lobby. They didn’t stay a long time and the visits weren’t announced. I think that made it even more special!

Colette was thrilled that Daisy wanted her backpack – again, the interaction adds to the overall experience, right?

The cast members at Coronado Springs were pretty good — respectful and polite for the most part. The overpriced food was decent, and the grounds were clean and well maintained.

But Coronado Springs made one huge faux pas that I’ll talk about tomorrow… see ya’ real soon. 🙂