When I was a kid, I remember my Momma telling me it sounded like I was “building a room” when I made a whole lot of noise behind a closed door. As a homeowner that’s lived in homes while construction was going on inside, I now know exactly what she meant when she said that so many years ago. This morning, someone is ‘building a room’ upstairs. 😒
Mr. Pesky calls Coco “paddle foot.” Oh… if he could only hear her this morning. For a small female, those bare feet slapping on the floor above my head are loud, you guys.
I missed the frost memo.
I didn’t see until this morning that we had frost warnings for last night. While I’ve brought many of my plants inside, there are a few still outside. It’s barely 40° at 8:30 AM.

Here’s hoping at least 6 bajillion stink bugs also missed the frost memo and met their demise. Here’s also hoping there’s no wind today so the pool cover can be put back on.
Now you know: The earth’s atmosphere is leaking. Every day, around 90 tons of material escapes from our planet’s upper atmosphere and streams out into space.