My Facebook memory yesterday was a post I made 13 years ago about being sick. Is October a bad month for me or what?

This time around, I know what I have… and you don’t want it either!
Also, 13 years ago, I became friends with Katie. We’ve been buds now for 13 years. 🙄

7 more days until my work break. Yes, I’m counting.
I have things around here that I’ve been putting off that I plan to start once I’m feeling normal again. Lots of it involves paint. The rest will be all about relaxing and taking a break from the pressure of work.

So many of my friends and former classmates have already retired. I’m not there yet — but I’d be good with being a part-timer. 🙂
Now you know: “Golden Week” in China is a 7 day holiday where workers receive 4 paid days off between 2 weekends so everyone can travel and visit distant family.